Climbing in Pont-Rouge: A complete guide to winter climbing

With its cold-sculpted walls and breathtaking scenery, Île aux Raisins in Pont-Rouge is a must-see destination for winter climbing enthusiasts. The site, just a few kilometers from Quebec City, attracts climbers in search of a challenge every year. Whether your passion is ice or mixed climbing, you'll find routes to suit all levels.

The main attraction of Ile aux Raisins lies in the diversity of its areas and the quality of its routes. The ice walls and mixed routes are incredible and perfect for pushing your limits or honing your skills. At the end of February, the site also hosts Le Festiglace, Quebec's biggest ice climbing festival and winter highlight. This is where the climbing community gathers to share their passion in a convivial atmosphere.

Note The rock is very crumbly, making it unsuitable for rock climbing.summer.

Escalade à Pont-Rouge : Guide complet pour y grimper  en hiver

Overview of Île aux Raisins in Pont-Rouge

Île aux Raisins, located in Pont-Rouge, is a real gem for climbing enthusiasts in search of thrills. Just 25 minutes from Quebec City and 2 h 30 from Montreal, this site offers a unique blend of technical challenges and breathtaking scenery. Whether for ice or mixed climbing, the area is renowned for its varied, high-quality routes, attracting climbers of all levels.

History and development of the site

The history of Île aux Raisins is rooted in the passion and dedication of a community of visionary climbers. Inspired by the region's potential, local climbers like Gilles Brousseau discovered and developed the first routes in the 1990s. These pioneers worked tirelessly to equip the walls and improve access to the site, transforming rough ice walls into a veritable vertical playground. Find out more about the origins of the climbing site here.

Over the years, Île aux Raisins has become a must-see site in the climbing community. Many of them have contributed to the upkeep and constant improvement of the routes, consolidating the site's reputation. Our collective efforts have resulted in the creation of a detailed topo listing the site's various zones and routes, offering a safe and rewarding experience. Discover the complete topo here.

Escalade à Pont-rouge

Access and best times to climb at Pont-Rouge

Getting to Île aux Raisins is easy and convenient. From Quebec City, take Highway 40 towards Montreal and exit at junction 281 for Pont-Rouge. After passing the village church, continue for 1.5 km along route 358 west to your destination. Parking is generally available close to the site.

As far as conditions are concerned, the best time to enjoy ice climbing is generally from January to the end of February. Winter temperatures are ideal for keeping the ice safe and reliable. This is also the period when the famous Pont-Rouge Ice Festivala not-to-be-missed event where local and international climbers come together to share their passion.

Please note that the bottom of the routes are close to the river, and if the river is not frozen enough, some areas may be inaccessible to climbers. In mild weather, the pillars can become unstable and even collapse completely.

What's more, an upstream dam can release large quantities of water from time to time, causing the water level to rise very quickly. Stay alert.

Emblematic climbing areas in Pont-Rouge

Once parked, a path leads down to the river. From here you should be able to see one of the 4 main climbing areas at Pont-Rouge. The first, and lowest, on your right is the training wall. You should also see Valentin's area in the background. The last two zones, childhood memories and the enchanted spring, can be reached either by walking along the cliff or crossing the river. In both cases, the river must be sufficiently frozen to allow access.

Here's a small selection of the sectors I've been lucky enough to climb.

Paroie school sector

Are you a beginner or looking to hone your skills? Sector 1 offers several accessible routes, providing the safety and simplicity needed by novice climbers. With easy top-roping, it's the perfect place to start.

This sector is almost exclusively ice climbing.

Paroie école pendant le Festiglace 2025
School wall during Festiglace 2025

Valentin sector

The Valentin sector attracts intermediate and advanced climbers thanks to its varied challenges and technical routes. This sector is higher than the school wall, and all the routes are around 30 m long. A 70 m rope is recommended.

Depending on your tastes, you'll find ice or mixed routes ranging from WI5 - WI7 and M6 - M8. In this sector, you'll find the legendary "valentin" route, WI5+.

The routes can also be abseiled from above.

Secteur Valentin pendant le Festiglace 2025
Valentin sector during Festiglace 2025

Childhood memories

To access this area, you'll need to cross the river and continue along it to the cliffs.

The area offers a wide variety of routes for ice and mixed climbing. Several magnificent pillars are formed every winter, such as "Les copains d'abord" (WI6), "Souvenirs d'enfance" (WI5) and "Super Crystal" (WI5+). For easier, lower routes, on the left you'll also find premières neiges (WI3+/4).

This is probably my favorite climbing area in Pont-Rouge.

Escalade à pont-rouge

Route 41

To access the sector, continue along the river on the same bank as the Valentin sector, pass the river bend and continue north. You'll find several areas with ice or mixed climbing.

The routes are a little lower, 15/25m.

Escalade à pont-rouge

Visit official local topoîle aux Raisins is an invaluable resource for locating these routes and preparing your visit. You can download it here: Official topo of Ile aux Raisins.

Practical tips for winter climbing at Pont-Rouge

Pont-Rouge, and more specifically Île aux Raisins, is a popular spot for winter climbing, offering ice and mixed challenges in spectacular surroundings. But tackling these walls in winter requires proper preparation. Here's some key information for your next adventure.

Equipment required for ice and mixed climbing

When it comes to tackling the frozen walls of Pont-Rouge, the right equipment is crucial. The right equipment not only guarantees better performance, but also greater safety.

  • Strings A 70 m rope is strongly recommended if you want to venture outside the training wall.
  • Headset Protect yourself from falling rocks and ice. The rock at Pont-Rouge is very crumbly and falls easily, and the ice can also be very brittle, so helmets are a must.
  • Suitable clothing Get ready for the cold, but also for the water. Some routes are quickly exposed to the sun and can turn into a real shower. Gore-Tex/insulation layers for your coat and gloves can be indispensable. I also always recommend several pairs of gloves for ice climbing.

For the rest, you'll need the classics of ice and mixed climbing: crampons, ice axes, ice screws, belays, etc.

Safety precautions and winter conditions

Winter climbing brings its own set of challenges, from managing the cold to changing conditions. Staying alert and well-informed is essential.

  1. Weather conditions :
    • Check the weather before your outing. Very low temperatures stabilize the ice, but beware of rapid fluctuations or warming, which can make the wall unstable.
    • To my knowledge, the risk d'As avalanche terrain is almost non-existent on the site, you won't need your shovel/probe/ avalanche transceiver.
    • The state of the river is also important to watch out for. Be careful where you step.
  2. Specific hazards :
    • Ice falls Always wear your helmet and keep a safe distance between partners.
    • Fatigue and hypothermia Listen to your body, stay well hydrated and take frequent breaks to avoid numbness.
    • Track orientation Some routes exposed to the sun may melt more quickly, increasing the risk of ice flows.
  3. Safety technology :
    • Prepare a first-aid kit adapted to this type of activity.
    • Familiarize yourself with rescue procedures in icy conditions.
    • Always share your plans (location, expected duration) with someone before you leave.
Escalade à pont-rouge

Festiglace: an exceptional opportunity to discover climbing in Pont-Rouge

Every winter, Île aux Raisins in Pont-Rouge becomes the center of the universe for ice and mixed climbing enthusiasts thanks to Festiglace. This event brings together local and international climbers to celebrate their passion in an enchanting setting. Whether you're a regular visitor or a novice wishing to discover this unique site, Festiglace is the ideal opportunity to immerse yourself in an enriching experience.

Village des exposants et partenaires du Festiglace 2025.
Festiglace 2025 exhibitors' and partners' village.

Festiglace activities and atmosphere

Festiglace is much more than just a sporting event. Imagine a mix of adrenalin and conviviality, punctuated by a variety of activities accessible to all. Over the course of a few days, Île aux Raisins is transformed into a veritable winter climbing village.

  • Demonstrations and competitions Experienced climbers perform impressive ascents, inspiring visitors and creating an electrifying atmosphere.
  • Clinics and workshops For beginners or those wishing to improve their technique, practical workshops supervised by professionals enable you to learn in a safe environment.
  • Conferences and meetings Meet experts and enthusiasts, hear inspiring testimonials and discuss the challenges and pleasures of winter climbing.
  • Exhibitors and equipment Discover the latest innovations in climbing equipment thanks to a dedicated exhibitor village.

With activities for all ages and abilities, Festiglace creates a festive atmosphere where the climbing community spirit takes on its full meaning. The warm evenings, filled with laughter and sharing, contrast magnificently with the cold of winter.

Le celebre alpiniste francais Jeff Mercier lors de la session de questions-reponses suivant la projection de son film "Ephemeral" pendant une soiree du Festiglace 2025.
Renowned French alpinist Jeff Mercier at the Q&A session following the screening of his film "Ephemeral" during an evening of Festiglace 2025.

Why Festiglace is the best time to try rock climbing in Pont-Rouge

If you're interested in discovering Île aux Raisins, attending Festiglace is probably the best time to do it. Why should you? Because everything's in place to offer you an incomparable experience.

  • Simplified track access During Festiglace, the organization puts in place facilities to facilitate access to the sites. All you have to do is concentrate on what's important: climbing and enjoying.
  • Motivating atmosphere You're surrounded by talented climbers and carried along by a powerful collective energy. There's nothing like it for pushing yourself to the limit or daring to try a new route.
  • Presence ofexperts: Festiglace attracts experienced climbers from all over the world. You can observe advanced techniques, get advice and even ask for specific demonstrations.
  • Enhanced safety With guides, professionals and teams on site, you can climb in optimal conditions. Extra peace of mind for less experienced climbers.

Festiglace is perfectly integrated into the splendid natural setting of Île aux Raisins. This not-to-be-missed festival is a true celebration of winter and climbing. To find out exactly what the event has to offer, check out their official website.

With the excitement of the festival, the expertise on hand and easy access to the lanes, Festiglace is the perfect opportunity to discover or rediscover Île aux Raisins at its best. Get ready for a memorable experience!

Le grimpeur Jerome St Michel suspendu en position horizontale lors de la competition de difficulte du Festiglace 2025.
Climber Jerome St Michel suspended in a horizontal position during the Festiglace 2025 difficulty competition.


L'île aux Raisins in Pont-Rouge is much more than just a climbing site: it's a place that combines technicality, diversity and natural beauty. With zones to suit all levels, every climber can find a challenge to meet his or her expectations.

Planning a visit to Île aux Raisins is a rewarding experience in an exceptional setting. Whether you're a novice or an expert, this site will inspire you and push you beyond your limits. Don't forget to plan your visit during Festiglace, which is undoubtedly the best time to discover the incredible potential of this site. We'll soon be publishing a dedicated article to tell you all about this unique event.

Pack your gear, download the guidebook and set off to conquer these spectacular walls. Don't wait any longer: adventure awaits you at Pont-Rouge.

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